Saturday, June 27, 2009

i'm having one of those lower case days where i can't be bothered hitting the shift key on the keyboard. you see i'm trying to quit smoking. i only made up my mind a half hour ago to drop the habit while cycling down to the shops in brunswick i thought i was going to have a heart attack. heart beating like a mad fucker and all i could think was - is this the last thing i am going to see? fuck needed to use the shift to type that question mark. but that's not the only thing i guess. it's been a stressful week, nightmarish temper tandrums from a housemate that almost led to violence almost led me to the point of leaving, a social life that has crawled to well a crawl, and not to mention a job that is uncertain because of budget cuts. yeah feeling pretty lowercase.


Dave. said...

Come and visit me. That'll cheer you up, although the $4.50 a pack cigarettes proably won't help the whole kicking the smoking habit.

g-man said...

i would love to.... i wish i had the money ... right now i want nothing more than to disappear into the mist and never return