Saturday, October 04, 2008

and so I dreamt

... that I witnessed the second coming of Christ. Yes the son of God was brought forth once more into the world to clarify I few misinterpretations of His word; this time around in the form of actor and failed singer, Mandy Moore.

Mandy, angelic and radient as always, guided our rag-tag gang of disciples around the countryside preaching His/Her word aboard a poorly maintained and disintergrating mini-bus. I can't remember too much of what this liturgy was about, soley that I kept pestering her with questions about my sexuality. "So what's the go on the whole gay thing?" I'd asked her. She promised to get back to me with an answer.

The last I heard the whole story was being made into a movie, I think I was going to be played by one of the Belushi brothers, possibly the dead one.


Anonymous said...

Oh you're back. How great ... all seems very fun although I am worried about your Mandy Moore visitations. If the situation escalates to the Jonas Bros or Miley Cyrus see a doctor immediately !


g-man said...

it was quite a hiatus but it's good to see someone is still reading this. i'd like to say i prefer quality over quantity.. but a Mandy Moore dream blows that theory