Wednesday, April 26, 2006

fate of the ill handed messenger

Recent translations of a New Kingdom sarcophagus inscription, dating early in the 11th century BCE gives an inciteful glimpse into the religious life of ancient Egyptians.

"lo Anubis held the feather aloft, placeth upon the balance scales that only Thoth may read, that weigheth the heart of the deadman according to the life lived and if crimes were made against the goddess* in life, the man that never returned messages of text even when credit was owned his heart outweighed the feather of ma'at/truth and lo it was thrown into the mouth of Ammit the bone eater to die a second death."

See ancient wisdom bastards! So if someone text messages you it's only polite to reply. Be here warned.

*the goddess - Ma'at or truth, both a goddess and idea who is represented by a feather.

  • other moral prescriptions for a good life
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