Saturday, November 26, 2005

trademark indifference

I learned last week (Tuesday I think) that my general malaise, my apathy to life was the subject of copyright; someone had gone and trademarked my indifference, my disengagement and total lack of direction in life. Now the matter of litigation and for legal reasons I can say little except: what the hell am I supposed to do now? If I say so much as “I give up” or “I just don’t care anymore” I owe some goddamn opportunity capitalist bastard royalties. And until the lawyers sort it all out, my counsel advises me to do something with my life.


nobody said...

There is an obvious answer in HARD DRUGS! Addiction... you will be so driven to finance your next fix that you cannot be seen to be doing nothing and yet it is still the antithesis of something!

Dack Davros said...

Through Windows indifferet
Bill Mr Bill Gates
Lack of effort a hinderance
You are what you make....