Friday, October 12, 2007

the trouble with Chilenos

Valparaiso, about an hour-and-a-half out of Santiago, is all bright colours and has an arty/bohemian vibe that makes me feel like I could settle in here quite nicely but then again it also has fifty percent unemployment and packs stray dogs mauling and fucking each other. So I guess it´s not all blue skies and sunshine.

Regardless I am convinced that there is a gay/lesbian etc scene here in Valpo. I can smell it, sense the vibrations, like the rattle of the ancensor Espiritu Santo that I climbed to see Matta´s street mural. On my wanderings through the winding colourful streets I found this small bar near Plaza Ambal Pinto that had had pro abortion poster on the door. Inside behind the bar, were two women hugging and kissing. Now I don´t wish to jump to too many conclusions here as it is infinately difficult to tell in the country the difference between simply affection between friends and romance.

On my first night I hung out with some of Adrian´s Santiago friends. We went to what was supposed to be an after party for some Mexican hip-hop crew called Molitov, with Adrian´s friend Olga, a crazy but very cool Chilena, got our names on the dorr. The club was located in the upstairs of the arthouse Cine Alameda which seemed to be hosting a gay film festival (if I get time I´ll have to go see a film). The music was great! They were playing the clash, Smiths, the Cure, Depeche Mode and heaps of other cool musica both International and South American.

Why I mention all of this is because one of Olga´s friends, I think his name is Mauricio, was very very friendly with me, almost to the point of pushing his crotch into my leg. Thing is I think this is how straight chilenos act when they are drunk. It´s very confusing, yes, as he was rubbing his face against mine and telling me that we were very good friends.

But then if I hoped to see a rainbow sticker or something or the sort I think I am going to be disappointed. If I am going to discern South America´s gay life from the background radiation thrown up the continent´s overpowering muchismo then I am going to have to retune my gaydar.

Anyway folks ciao for now.

*While I am typing this there is a techno beat on the radio repeating the words: "I want to be a cowboy/ no soy gay."


richardwatts said...

Hugs from grey and rainy Melbourne!

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear all is going well, best of luck with the crotch grinding locals.

g-man said...

thanks guys.

on the whole gay front there was a pride march on 06 October, the day before I landed. haven't heard much about it though, how it went etc... a point of note nonetheless

Anonymous said...

i've been spending so much time on facebook lately that i forget that people have blogs. sounds like you're having an interesting time and now you're in lima! take care of yerself.

Anonymous said...

wow do take care. It all sounds so very interesting. keep us updated.

g-man said...

thanks ya´all