Wednesday, July 04, 2007

watch out! disco attack!

Sure this blog doesn't have the readership of the Barco Independent and sure those that do read it are mostly friends and hell, probably have heard about it from Tim already but I'm nonetheless gonna spruik it in the hope that I can enlighten just one soul to the exciting new world of disco attack!

What praytell is disco attack! you ask?

disco attack! is a must, it's what we need, it's fun and safe. It's art, it's music and it is soul. disco attack! is genetic, it's inside of you and me. disco attack! is the best form of defence and is the closest we have to a super hero. disco attack! is a deadly adversary, a bomb that explodes in your head but is still the best insurance we have against terrorism and cancer. disco attack! is action not belief. It is the liberation of the proletariat. It is treason, the absence of all restraint and is not public policy. disco attack! is the opiate of the masses and is a secret conspiracy to take over the world. disco attack! is coming. disco attack is imminent and is upon you.

disco attack! is Friday 13 July from 9pm till late. disco attack! is at 51 Gipps Street Collingwood.

Hope that cleared up any confusion.... I suppose at this point I should mention that this is not an official disco attack! media announcement.

disco attack! is really:


Anonymous said...

disco attack is inside you and me? is that little piniata guy inside you and me? i wonder if it'd be like when the baby kicks!

Anonymous said...

I think someone should (have) shoot (shot) a reality TV video of the event and called it "When Disco Attacks". Ohh I have spent to much time out West- speakin' and thinkin' real slow. No I'm not.