Thursday, October 27, 2005

the haunting

Last night I dreamt I was a ghost who haunted a video store run and owned by Pakistani migrant who smoked too much, with an ashtray brimming with ash and stubbed filters; but he was friendly to his customers with a real passion for cinema and sometimes when the store was closed and there was no one else around he would talk to me the ghost and would watch films with me. I would listen in wide-eyed amazement at his vast knowledge of movie trivia but I was a lonely ghost and a selfish ghost who was not satisfied with living life in the shadows. I was a ghost who knew the video store owner had lung cancer because ghosts know the ways of death and I said nothing as he smoked and he smoked and on the day he went to hospital I knew what the diagnosis would be: I would have company all day and every day.

  • the last I dreamt
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