Sunday, April 27, 2008


Now I guess I should preface this entry with a confession: I watch porn, gay porn. You know the stuff where men (mostly naked) touch, suck and insert their parts into other men? I mention this because before I go about moralising I should come clean. Pornography isn't exactly the most shining example of human expression there is, nor is admitting that I watch it my finest moment, but hey it's there and it serves its purpose (cough). I am not here to condemn it nor shout it down wholesale in some religious fervour, no but I do feel as gay men we are far too quick to justify questionable sexual activity with the broad brush stroke of liberalism. I am not talking here about pedophilia or beastiality videos (things that are truely indefensible) but something that at best receives little if any scrutiny and at worst general unquestioning acceptance within the gay male population. What I am talking about here is videos portraying the seduction of straight men.

There are many porn companies producing movies that portray supposed straight men performing sexual acts on themselves or on other men. In of itself this doesn't sound so bad. The gay porn industry abounds in rumours of "gay for pay" actors who are simply in it for the money and I have no problem with that, so much as it is their bodies and their lives. However there are videos that go beyond just a straight-identifying man having sex with other men. It is all in how it is presented. The website BrokeStraightBoys, for example, advertises that their guys are ", they're straight but most of all these boys are broke. Real straight guys doing anything for money!" Again with the self incrimination. I have seen some of these videos or at least bits of them and and the men are made to look uncomfortable; this is part of the attraction it seems. This is not an isolated company, there are plenty of them, Seducing Straight Boys (an Australian company), god there is even a website that claims to hypnotise straight men into performing sexual acts.

This is not just about being sexually attracted to straight guys regardless of whether the men are acting or not. This is about showing men who due to circumstance are forced into performing sexual acts with themselves or others for our enjoyment, and might I say against their own nature (so-stated). BrokeStraightBoys state on their website that "Rather then lose their apartment, girlfriend, etc. they do sexual acts with other guys for some quick cash." Now I think "forced" is the imperative word here and any of us who get off on this sort of thing should do some serious introspection into their own darkened souls as to what exactly is exciting them.

Coming from a community that has fought so long and hard for social acceptance of our own sexual nature, fighting for the right to live as we are and not feel compelled to live like they do by getting married to the opposite sex and do acts we find contrary to our nature, we should not then want to see others put in the same situation, especially for our own sexual gratification. It is exploitation and it is ugly.


richardwatts said...

Perhaps this notion of seducing the straight men is a hangover from the early years of gay liberation, when to quote Oz author Jeremy Fisher, "those of us who were gay liberationists felt it was our duty as sexual revolutionaries to break down barriers. We regarded making love with other men, especially with straight men, as a valid political identity." Your thoughts?

g-man said...

I think gay men have always been excited about the idea of seducing straight men, however I do not think this legitimates it as a valid political identity. I think there is a difference between encouraging a space where we can all feel safe to experiment, find our boundaries and then cross them, and that of getting off over men made to feel uncomfortable with who they are (whether they are acting or not).

Dreck said...

Not sure what point Richard's trying to make.
There's a massive difference between having sex with "straight men" and the depiction of so-called straight men in gay porn.
Obviously it's great to dismantle the straight/gay dichotomy (which could also involve having sex with women) but celebrating exploitation is offensive.
I also wonder about the reality of having gay sex with "straight men". Can't be all that straight if they're sucking cock, now can they?

Kaio said...

Have a great Sunday.
Kisses from London