Saturday, September 22, 2007

What's all this hoo-har about Pol Pot winning "Britain's got Talent"? Firstly I thought he was dead and secondly I didn't know he could sing and if he could, what the hell!?! Nessun Dorma for christs-sake! And what the fuck does ITV think it is doing, having a genocidal dictator on its programme? Seriously, they're exploiting the deaths of more than 3 million Cambodians for nothing more than a few rating points! Geez! Someone should do something about this.


Dreck said...

Write to them!
I think it's fucked, too. Unless there's something critical about Pol Pot in it all. Which I doubt.

Anonymous said...

This is an outrage! I'm calling Bruce Campbell, he'll know what to do.

g-man said...

Yes, call Bruce Campbell! He is truely a hero of the people.

Anonymous said...

presumably he'll do "killing me softly " by the Fugees when he does his Royal Command thingo. Oooh sorry !

Also there is something weirdly apropos about PP becoming a mobile phone salesman. Like Mussolini becoming a car dealer or something

Also also I'm drunk (again) but actually it depresses me even more to think so few among the viewers would even know who PP was let alone what brother number 1 did.