Monday, April 02, 2007

It's been a difficult week it has. Tuesday especially hitting something of a dark spot, intense magnetic/emotional activity characterised by lower than usual temperatures... and what can I say? I lost it. And for the rest of the week I've been picking up my shattered little pieces, feeling immensely fragile as a result and snapping, huffing and puffing like a certain dragon by the seashore. I am left now with anxious butterflies that I am worried will find a way to burst out, through my stomach, my mouth and through my head.

Coming back from lunch last week circling down down in my desperate melancholy, I asked the universe what exactly was I supposed to do with all this. This mess, this noise: my head. And well it answered...

While crossing the driveway of a multilevel carpark I absent-mindedly strayed into the path of a truck pulling out. On its hood read the word COPE in bright bold lettering.

So I guess I had my answer.

Easy for it to say.


g-man said...

I suppose it depends on what question you asked it

Anonymous said...

my truck would probably say vintage cellars or in my currently unemployed state "liquorland". or whatever. Hope the coping goes well. :)

Anonymous said...

hey are you able to edit comments? i've realised you can google my full name and get this page which links to my livejournal. stupid predictive text! can you please delete that comment if you can or take my surname out?

Timmo said...

I'm playing catchup.
and now I want to know what Darren's comment said :)